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Vyhľadávanie Testovacia jazda
Porovnanie vozidiel
Obľúbené vozidlá


It is a dynamically developing company, a part of the JP group, where JASPLASTIK-SK, as an important producer in the area of plastic parts for the electrotechnical industry and the automotive industry in Slovakia, has long been the driving force of the development.

Jasplastik-SK, by starting production in the new plant in Nitra in 2016, has expanded its activities in the Nitra location, initially focusing on the customer FOXCONN-SONY, with the aim of realising, through the new company JP-AUTO, its long-term goal to penetrate into the group of top companies in the automotive field in Slovakia.


It has long provided comprehensive plastic injection moulding services to the electrical engineering and automotive industries, whose customer portfolio includes Jaguar Land Rover.

That's why the owners of JP-AUTO decided to expand their business and share their passion and admiration with their customers. For them, a car is not just a means of transport that gets you from place to place, but offers the opportunity to live your life to the fullest...

In 2019 and 2020, they implemented their investment project and on 1 June opened their showroom “Jaguar Land Rover Sales and Service” in Nitra in the location of the industrial park Nitra-Sever, in the neighbourhood of Jasplastik Nitra.


Authorised sales and service of Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles in the Nitra Region

The operation is located in the immediate vicinity of the only Jaguar Land Rover production plant in Slovakia. We have the most advanced Jaguar and Land Rover showroom in Slovakia. We’re the only ones providing authorised sales and service of Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles in the Nitra Region.

We are a dealer with the first authorised bodywork and paint shop in Slovakia, providing after-sales services using our 15 years of experience in this area. We offer our customers a wide range of services, in addition to the sale of new vehicles, we also sell used vehicles, we do deal not just with routine servicing of vehicles but also with insurance claims, sale of original spare parts, accessories and lifestyle products and we also have our own rental company JP-AUTO RENT s.r.o., which focuses on the rental of vehicles and replacement mobility coverage.


Clients will find everything they have ever wanted here

Welcoming and friendly atmosphere, professional staff and first-rate premium vehicles. Our service meets the most stringent criteria, is equipped with the latest technology and can carry out even the most demanding repairs.

We are also thinking about the future and within the service we are also focusing on the dual education of students, who study at the Technical and Service Secondary School in Nitra and as part of their studies, they are trained every two weeks directly in our workshop and thus learn from experts. We believe that this will provide them with a wealth of experience and a better start in life after school.

We are pleased that even though we have only been on the market for a short time, we have a lot of satisfied and faithful customers, to whom we want to continue to bring an endless variety of experiences.

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